News from Drematrix

April 18, 2024

4D Browser in the COSMO Science Forum

Jonas Bruschke
The 4D Browser developed in the HistStadt4D project is currently on display at the COSMO Science Forum in the Kulturpalast Dresden. The exhibition "Shaping futures together: Visionary Realities" shows prototypes and applications from various Dresden research institutions on the topic of "Shaping Futures". It explores the question of how science and research are addressing the challenges of the future and what new and creative solutions they are finding – be it for climate change, the city of the future or issues relating to mobility. The 4D Browser with its historical city views has been specially optimized for the touch screen and is part of a series of similar applications that use the 3D city model as the basis for visualization and interaction.

The exhibition runs from April 16 to July 18, 2024 and is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 to 6 pm.

March 22, 2024

IDOVIR Workshop in Darmstadt

Jonas Bruschke
As part of the DFG-funded IDOVIR project, a one-day workshop was held in Darmstadt, attended by around 30 participants from all over Germany. The aim was to present the documentation tool and to find out about the needs of the specialist disciplines of archaeology, building research, art history and monument preservation. Participants were able to try out IDOVIR for themselves in a hands-on session and test its usability. The lively interest, insightful discussions and extensive feedback give us confidence for further development.

June 2, 2022

Theatrum Mundi - Multimedia exhibition in the Lipsiusbau

Lotte Krause
On June 6th 2022 the exhibition "Der Schlüssel zum Leben. 500 Jahre mechanische Figurenautomaten" has been opened. Next to many different pieces of art and inventions there is an original Theatrum Mundi from the 19th century displayed.

In collaboration with the Puppentheatersammlung of the SKD we developed a multimedia application: In front of the 5 x 2m wide stage there is a foil clamped, on which (when being activated) a performance is projected to. This performance is inspired by historical theatre programs and digitalised in 3D. Left and right of the stage coulisses decorate the stage setting and figures on little carriages move slowly from one side to the other across rails.

The project also includes a media station, on which visitors can produce their own performance. Through touching they can drag and drop coulisses, figures and even music pieces to rails.

This application was developed in a one-year research project, so that performances can now be put together close to reality.

Jan. 1, 2022

DFG-funded project IDOVIR launched

Jonas Bruschke
Sustainable documentation of 3D reconstructions, including the decision-making processes that ultimately led to the result, is still an exception. In order to meet the demand for documentation of research results in a practical sense, two prototype web applications, ScieDoc and DokuVis, have been developed in recent years at the TU Darmstadt, Department of Digital Design, and at the HTW Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science/Mathematics.

In the DFG-funded IDOVIR project, these two tools are now being merged by combining and further developing the advantages of both predecessor systems. The aim of IDOVIR is to document the decisions as to why a reconstruction was created in the way it was, which sources it was based on, which other variants were considered, but also which conceivable variants were rejected and why, and to make them accessible via the Internet. At the same time, IDOVIR is intended to support communication between those involved in the genesis of a reconstruction and to help structure the creation of the reconstruction in a meaningful way. The platform is operated in cooperation with the Darmstadt University and State Library to ensure its long-term availability.

June 28, 2021

Multimedia exhibition about the Zwinger officially opened

Markus Wacker
In 2007 the Nymphenbad was under renovation. In order to show the visitors this hidden gem in the Dresden Zwinger, a visualization film was created. This soon resulted in a much larger project with around 30 students and employees. The work was initially organized via htw-dresden.de/~zwinger and resulted in an own documentation tool DokuVis by Jonas Bruschke. Further development will be funded by the DFG in 2022/2023 as part of the IDOVIR project.

Very detailed 3D models of existing buildings as well as drafts and ideas were created and evaluated in a feasibility study for a museum presentation. The tender for implementation won mbox Berlin, who implemented the exhibition as a multimedia VR spectacle Zwinger Xperience. The exhibition was officially opened on June 28th, 2021. On the occasion of the opening, the MDR Sachsenspiegel reported on the project and the exhibition.

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