News from Drematrix

Nov. 14, 2018

Visual Heritage Congress in Vienna

Jonas Bruschke
On the occasion of this year's European Cultural Heritage Year, two conferences that are located in the field of cultural heritage and computer science joined forces to host the Visual Heritage Congress in Vienna, Austria. These conferences are the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) and the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (EG GCH).

Florian Niebling and Jonas Bruschke presented their latest results from HistStadt4D project at the Ahnensaal, Hofburg. Paper titles are "Browsing Spatial Photography for Dissemination of Cultural Heritage Research Results using Augmented Models" and "Visualization of Orientations of Spatial Historical Photographs".

Nov. 8, 2018

denkmal 2018 in Leipzig

Jonas Bruschke
On this year's denkmal, the Histstadt4D project was present on a joint stand with MESSBILDSTELLE GmbH. Additionally, the Time Machine FET Flagship has been advertised – an initiative for a joint European large-scale research project.

denkmal is Europe's leading trade fair for conservation, restoration and old building renovation. Part of this fair ist the MUTEC, the international trade fair for museum and exhibition technology.

Oct. 2, 2018

TISRA research associate at VCBM 2018 in Granada

Johannes Metzler
Johannes Metzler, researching within the project TISRA (led by Prof. Hans-Joachim Böhme and Prof. Markus Wacker), presented a paper on Estimation of Muscle Activity in One-Leg Stance from 3D Surface Deformation at VCBM 2018 in Granada (20.09. - 21.09.). VCBM (Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine) is a Workshop sponsored by the European Association for Computer Graphics (EG) with a focus on visualization techniques for medicine and biology.

The paper illustrates how muscle activity of the leg in the one-legged stance can be estimated by skin surface deformations. The skin surface is recorded and analyzed with a multi-camera setup. The aim is to extend the traditional electromyography (EMG) measurement by a visual recording procedure. This would make muscle activity measurement accessible to more facilities. Area-based measurement also provides new modalities for gait analysis, e.g. could be analyzed where deformations of certain muscles on the skin take place.

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