Junior Research Group TISRA has started

Website der Drematrix Gruppe
I present the current research "Application of Computer-Assisted Neutral Zero Method of the Shoulder Joint in Vojta Therapy" at the 9th World Congress of the ISPRM (International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine) on Saturday, the 20th of June, as part of the poster session from 12:45 to 14:45 in the afternoon at the Maritim Hotel in Berlin. You are cordially invited!
In November 2012 I've met Heidi Orth from the International Vojta Society (IVG) at the 10th Symposium of the German Association for Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine (DGfMM) in Dresden. We both took part in a workshop about motion analysis and started talking about the technical requirements and possibilities of motion recording technology. We stayed in touch and together with her colleague Barbara Maurer-Burkhard and Mark Schramm, a student of Media Computer Science at the HTW Dresden, we've developed a measurement protocol and software to record and analyze the motion of patients with diseases and restricted mobility at the shoulder joints. Our protocol follows the assessment of range-of-motion (ROM) measurements and facilitates insights into the specific execution of motion exercises and the archieved maximum ROM at the shoulder joints. In addition, these measurements enable analysis of the short-term effect of the Vojta therapy and could allow future insights into long-term effects if the measurements are conducted parallel to the rehabilitation process. The research ist part of the PhD project Motion Analysis in Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine.