TISRA research associate at SIGGRAPH 2017 in Los Angeles

Stefanie Gassel, researching within the project TISRA (led by Prof. Hans-Joachim Böhme and Prof. Markus Wacker), presented a poster on Combining biomechanical and data-driven Body Surface Models at Siggraph 2017 in Los Angeles (30.07. - 03.08.). Siggraph is a Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) with a focus on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Since 1974, thousands of Computer Graphics researchers and professionals in the VFX industry confere on a yearly basis on state of the art in Computer graphics, innovations in VFX production and virtual worlds.
The poster illustrates our research on combining data-driven and simulation-driven 3D surface modeling to a hybrid body shape model and synthesizing the skin surface from simulated biomechanical data. We showed preliminary results of our model of an elbow flexion motion with separate biceps and triceps muscle bulging that exhibits believable muscular deformation effects on the skin surface while enabling singular control over specific muscle regions. Our model is separately controllable in shape and pose and extensible to a wider range of human body shapes, joint motion and muscle regions.