4D Browser in the COSMO Science Forum
The 4D Browser developed in the HistStadt4D project is currently on display at the COSMO Science Forum in the Kulturpalast Dresden. The exhibition "Shaping futures together: Visionary Realities" shows prototypes and applications from various Dresden research institutions on the topic of "Shaping Futures". It explores the question of how science and research are addressing the challenges of the future and what new and creative solutions they are finding – be it for climate change, the city of the future or issues relating to mobility. The 4D Browser with its historical city views has been specially optimized for the touch screen and is part of a series of similar applications that use the 3D city model as the basis for visualization and interaction.
The exhibition runs from April 16 to July 18, 2024 and is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 to 6 pm.
The exhibition runs from April 16 to July 18, 2024 and is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 to 6 pm.