Dr.-Ing. Thomas Neumann
Research Interests
- Image Based 3D Reconstruction
- Multiview Stereo
- Mesh Deformation
Analysis and Quantification of Repetitive Motion in Long-Term Rehabilitation IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2018
Estimation of Muscle Activity in One-Leg Stance from 3D Surface Deformation Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. 2018
Combining biomechanical and data-driven Body Surface Models To be published in Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’17 Posters, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2017. 2017
Towards estimation of muscle activity patterns for balance assessment from surface deformations in motion Conf. Proc. of Neuromechanics, 4th-6th Oct., Heidelberg, Germany. 2016
Reconstruction, Analysis, and Editing of dynamically deforming 3D-Surfaces PhD Thesis. 2016
Compressed Manifold Modes for Mesh Processing Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Symposium on Geometry Processing SGP), vol. 33, no. 5. 2014
Capture of Arm-Muscle Deformations using a Depth-Camera in Proc. European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), vol. 10. 2014
Sparse Localized Deformation Components ACM Transactions on Graphics 32 (6), (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia). 2013
Capture and Statistical Modeling of Arm-Muscle Deformations Computer Graphics Forum 32(2), Proceedings of Eurographics. 2013
High Resolution Image Correspondences for Video Post-Production Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting (JVRB), vol. 9.2012, no. 8. 2012
High Detail Marker based 3D Reconstruction by Enforcing Multiview Constraints Poster at ACM SIGGRAPH. 2012
Monocular Pose Reconstruction for an Augmented Reality Clothing System in Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV). 2011
High Resolution Image Correspondences for Video Post-Production in Proc. European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP). 2010